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This Blog is about webDogTrainer.com; a unique, insightful website that features trainer, Julie Bjelland Lokhandwala's online dog training book which includes LIVE chat with the dog trainer! Imagine life with a well-trained dog... Check out the site: www.webDogTrainer.com

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How to break up a dog fight

How to break up a dogfight. Dogfights can be very dangerous and you should be extremely careful to avoid getting bitten yourself. You should NEVER reach in and grab a dog’s collar to stop a fight. When a dog is in the middle of a fight they may bite at anything that comes near their head. It is best to have more than one person should you need to break up the fight. Each one of you should calmly grab the dogs back legs and pick them up (like a wheelbarrow) and begin to walk in a circle away from each other. That way the dogs have to move their front paws away from each other in order to prevent falling on their face. You then should immediately separate the dogs into different areas and go cool off yourself. Do not scream or yell, this can cause even more aggression.

Julie Bjelland Lokhandwala is the founder of webDogTrainer, LLC and has created the Popular Online Dog Training Guide and Consultation:

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