Welcome to the webDogTrainer.com Blog!

This Blog is about webDogTrainer.com; a unique, insightful website that features trainer, Julie Bjelland Lokhandwala's online dog training book which includes LIVE chat with the dog trainer! Imagine life with a well-trained dog... Check out the site: www.webDogTrainer.com

Friday, November 23, 2007

Welcome to my new Blog

HI and welcome!

This is my first ever blog. I just thought it could be fun to share with you some of the details of my new website: http://www.webdogtrainer.com/

Let me first start out on how I got here. While I have a degree in Health Education I knew I loved teaching when I gave seminars while in the Peace Corps. I also knew I loved dogs and I found both my passions of teaching and working with dogs when I worked as a trainer at Guide Dogs for the Blind. While there I trained the dogs then got to teach the blind students how to use the dogs to guide them. I was lucky to start out working with an amazing trainer there, named Todd. He is the reason I am so good at what I do! While I loved that job and the people there so much I knew I always wanted to have my own business.

I was with my dog one day in a big dog park and someone came up to me and commented on how well-trained my dog was and did I know someone that could help her train her dog that well! I told her I was a trainer and that day I went home and made up business cards and started my own dog training business! Word spread and I did very well and enjoyed it. I even had a policy that if someone didn't get something out of each training session they didn't have to pay for it! I can proudly say I always had satisfied clients! I started realizing that people could benefit from having my dog training material written down. I also started getting responses on my website from people that lived in other states wishing I could train their dogs!

So, I thought about writing a dog training book because I also love to write. Then, I thought about the fact that I'd like to be able to help people personally too. So, I came up with the best of both- a dog training guide online with the addition of a live chat portion on the site where people still have access to talk personally with me if they need additional help. Thus, is the birth of my new website that I am very proud of! I hope you'll visit it, tell your friends/family/coworkers and help me spread the word about this new site. I know it is going to help a lot of people have the dog they always wanted. Imagine life with a well-trained dog!

People I'd like to thank:
I'd like to thank Todd who taught me what a truly good dog trainer is. And, my good friend Gaurav, the website designer, has put a lot of hours of work on our labor of love with this website and I'd like to thank him for all his creativeness and hard work! I'd also like to thank his wife, my good friend Abhilasha for all the hours she also devoted her ideas; and time she had to spend away from Gaurav while he worked on this site. And, thanks to my husband, Saumil who has been my strength and encouragement in keeping me going and giving me the time to write the guide and put it all together! And, thanks to my niece Isadora who took most of the dog training photos and to my niece Ariella who is helping me create a myspace page for it! It's been a collaboration of love and hard work and we all look forward to hearing your feedback on the site!

Until next time...

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